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Pupil Premium은 2011년 4월에 도입되었으며 지난 6년 동안 무상 급식에 등록한 학생("Ever 6"이라고 함)의 성취도를 향상시키기 위해 학교에 할당됩니다. 학교도 6개월 이상 지속적으로 돌봐온 아동과 군인 자녀를 위한 자금을 지원받는다. 이 아이들은 이제 "불이익"으로 분류됩니다.


도입된 이유는?

정부는 Pupil Premium(본교 자금에 추가됨)이 불이익을 해결하기 위한 자금이 가장 필요한 학생에게 전달되도록 보장함으로써 현재의 근본적인 불평등을 해결하는 가장 좋은 방법이라고 믿습니다.


누가 돈을 어떻게 쓰는지 결정합니까?

대부분의 경우 Pupil Premium은 학교에 직접 지급되며 무료 학교 급식을 받는 모든 학생에게 할당됩니다. 학교는 학생들에게 필요한 것을 평가할 수 있는 가장 좋은 위치에 있기 때문에 자금 사용 방법을 결정합니다.


학교는 Pupil Premium 지출에 대해 어떻게 책임을 져야 합니까?

Ofsted는 Pupil Premium Update 2014 보고서에서 다음과 같이 말했습니다. 그들은 포렌식적으로 개입을 목표로 삼고 무엇이 차이를 만들고 무엇이 그렇지 않은지 확인하기 위해 강력한 추적 시스템을 갖추고 있습니다.” 학교 지도자는 자격이 있는 학생이 자격이 없는 학생보다 더 빨리 발전하도록 해야 합니다.” 차이를 만드는 것은 우리의 책임입니다!

우리는 또한 보고서에 학교가 학생 프리미엄 기금을 낮은 능력과 혼동해서는 안 되며 모든 능력 수준의 학생들이 최고 수준을 달성할 수 있도록 지원해야 한다고 명시되어 있음을 유념합니다.

Villiers는 학급 교사, 단계 리더 및 과목 리더가 어떤 학생이 Pupil Premium에 자격이 있는지 알 수 있도록 하여 그들이 진도를 가속화하는 데 책임을 질 수 있도록 하고 책임은 학교 전체에서 공유됩니다.




Irregular attendance can seriously disrupt continuity of learning, as lessons in school are designed to build on each other. Although staff work hard to try and make sure that any missing steps are re-taught, it can sometimes not be obvious for some time that a ‘gap’ is holding back learning. In this way, persistent absence can undermine educational progress and often leads to underachievement and low attainment. Another serious consequence of low attendance is that it hinders a child’s ability to develop friendships within school. Making friends and building lasting relationships are vital in helping children to feel happy and confident in school. In this way, regular attendance supports children to reach their full potential.

Attending school regularly gives children the chance of a better future. We provide ample incentives to reward children who attend school regularly and on time.

  • Children who achieve 100% attendance for a term will receive a certificate, badge and have the opportunity to parade school with a 100% attendance sticker.

  • Children who are registered as a Persistent Absentee (PA), are presented with an attendance chart for the week. If children are in attendance all week, they are rewarded with a prize of their choice out of the attendance box on Fridays. Please note, PAs change on a weekly basis due to attendance figures collected over time.

  • Good and improved attendance is rewarded in a tangible way with, for example, positive comments, certificates and stickers.

  • One EYFS/KS1 and one KS2 class who have achieved the highest attendance each week, are rewarded with an extra playtime, alongside a teddy to proudly display for EYFS/KS1 and a shield for KS2.

  • Our Attendance Race is updated weekly, with classes who achieve above 97% winning 2 points and 100% with 3 points. The prizes for points are then as follows throughout the year: 25 points = extra break, 50 points = own clothes day, 75 points = 1 hour leisure time and 100 points = film afternoon.

  • Regular attendance incentives, such as: mascots, bouncy castles etc.


We understand that our young children are naturally going to be affected by first-time illnesses such as chicken pox. We understand that children will miss sessions through serious illness, as this cannot be avoided, but we would ask that you please think seriously about the effects a much longer period of absence has before asking to take a family holiday during term-time.


The government expects attendance of at least 96%. A family holiday of ten days will reduce your child’s attendance for the whole academic year to 94.73%, and this will obviously keep falling if your child has any further absence due to illness. The table (shown above) below shows just how much every day at school matters.


If your child is ill, we ask that you ring the school office on their first day of absence to let us know what is wrong. If persistent absence becomes an issue that affects your child, then we would like to offer any help we can to ensure your child is able to improve their attendance. Our Attendance Lead, Attendance Officer the Education Welfare Service, along with all leaders and teachers are all committed to helping, and have the best interests of your family at heart. Please call in to school or contact the school by phone if you think we can be of any assistance.


Important Update - August 2024

Changes to Education-Related Penalty Notices


You may be aware that the Department for Education has recently announced national changes to penalty notices. This has been issued for unauthorised absence in term time and will come into effect on 19 August 2024.


What’s Changing?

Starting from 19th August 2024, penalty notices issued for offenses will be charged at a new rate of £160 per parent per child. However, if paid within 21 days, the amount reduces to £80.


Why Does It Matter?

Regular school attendance is crucial for your child’s educational progress. Being present allows children to form lasting friendships, develop essential interpersonal skills, and contribute to better mental health and overall well-being.


Unauthorised Absences and Fines:

• Parents should be aware of the national framework threshold.

• First time offenders face £160 fine per parent per child, reducing to £80 if paid within 21 days.

• Second-time offenders (within 3 years) pay £160 per parent, per child.

• Third offenses may lead to legal action and fines up to £1000.

Leave of absence during term-time

Current attendance details for your child will be discussed with you at each parent consultation meeting. This will enable you to keep track of how your child is doing.


Current guidance from both the government and our local authority no longer allows us to be lenient when considering requests for leave of absence during term-time. The ability to authorise up to ten days per year has been removed; therefore leave of absence for family holidays or weddings is no longer a guaranteed entitlement. Leave of absence may only be granted in very special circumstances. School is in session for 190 days a year leaving parents a further 175 days a year in which to have days out together and take a holiday.


If you find your family circumstances necessitate a request for a leave of absence during term-time, then an appointment must be booked with the headteacher to explain the unexpected or exceptional circumstances that make the request unavoidable. When filling in the request form for an authorised leave of absence, please make sure you give sufficient details about why the holiday cannot take place at another time. Most importantly, a request cannot be granted if your child already has a low attendance percentage. The following extract from our school policy makes clear the criteria that we apply:

The school may consider approving a request for pupils provided that:

  • there are unexpected or exceptional reasons as to why a holiday cannot be taken in normal holiday time however this is extremely rare

If you are refused term time absence, you may appeal the decision. A further form will be issued to you if this should occur.

If the absence is not authorised, but the leave is taken anyway, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service from Wolverhampton Council who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 28 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.


Top Tips for Improving Attendance

  • Show your child you think school is important!

  • Going to school unprepared can be a major worry for children – help by checking schoolbags the night before, packing P.E. bags and keeping an eye on homework progress.

  • Tired children aren’t punctual and find it hard to learn, so ensure your child has a sensible bedtime.

  • Help your children get into a regular routine and set the alarm at the same time every morning.

  • Make time for breakfast so there are no shop stops where children can get side-tracked on the way to school. If you need support with this, please contact the Family Liaison Team.

  • Children can become unsettled if they have to go into school late and without their friends – getting children to school in time to meet friends in the playground can prevent this.

  • Have a memory board at home for special trips or activities – the board will help your children remember to tell you and help you remember to prepare them for it.


When your child attends school on a regular basis, they take an important step towards reaching their full potential, and are given the greatest opportunity to learn new things and develop their skills.


The more time they spend around other children, whether in the classroom or as part of a school team or club, the more chance they have of making lots of friends and feeling included, boosting social skills, confidence and self-esteem. Helping your child into good habits from an early age can help these carry through to adult and working life.


Remember – if your child is absent for just one day a week, over the course of their school career they will miss two years of schooling!!!

Every day counts! Missing school is missing out!

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