Work hard. Be kind.
Look after
We have high aspirations at Villiers Primary School and all children are expected to maintain a high standard of appearance and to wear our indoor school uniform which, although kept as simple and inexpensive as possible, is most effective and has brought many compliments from visitors to the School.
School uniform is available to be purchased from Trutex (Crested Schoolwear) via the following link:
Uniform Summary
- Grey only knee-length pinafore/tunic, skirt, shorts (Not below knee) or *formal trousers (no corduroy or denim)
- Navy knitted V Necked pullover or cardigan (no sweatshirts or fleece tops)
- Pale blue blouse or shirt – School Tie (Elastic KS1 only)
- White, navy or grey socks, knee length socks or tights
- Sensible, formal shoes - plain, black and flat heeled – (no suede, boots)
- From Easter to October Half Term: A short sleeved blouse or shirts may be worn with a tie or a pale blue polo t-shirt. Alternatively a knee length pale blue and white CHECKED summer dress may be worn.
*Formal trousers must be DARK grey or black and of standard school design. Plain black belts may be worn.
When purchasing School Uniform clothes or shoes parents are reminded to check Villiers School Policy as a shop’s definition of School Uniform may not necessarily agree with our School Policy.
All uniform (including PE kit) is available to be purchased from Trutex (Crested Schoolwear).
Ties continue to be available for purchase via the School Office.
Second-hand Uniform
Uniform at a significantly reduced cost can be sourced directly from school.
If you are suffering hardship and are unable to obtain uniform, please make contact with out FLO team who will advise you in the first instance.